Effective January 1, 2025
Type of Service
Single phase, 60 cycles, at available secondary voltage.
To all members whose accounts include a residence requiring single phase service for a period of more than six (6) months each year and at less than 50 KVA capacity and with an annual usage of at least 4000 kwh, subject to other rules and regulations of the cooperative. The total capacity of any single phase motor under this schedule shall not exceed 10 HP without written permission of the Cooperative.
This rate is not available for seasonal or stock well services.
Members requiring single phase service with capacities exceeding 50 KVA shall be served under the GS Rate Schedule.
Monthly Rates
Base Rate |
$30.00/month |
Demand Charge |
$6.60/kw |
Energy Charge |
$0.06304/kwh |
Minimum Charge
The minimum monthly charge shall be the higher of the following:
- The cost for service as calculated by the rates specified.
- $1.00 per KVA installed transformer capacity over 10 KVA for overhead and over 15 KVA for underground, plus the base rate.
Effective January 1, 2025
Type of Service
Single phase, 60 cycles, at available secondary voltage.
This rate is for those residential members who have chosen to enroll in the “Green Energy” program and who have signed a “Green Energy” Purchase Agreement.
Monthly Rates
Base Rate |
$30.00/month |
Demand Charge |
$6.60/kw |
Energy Charge |
$0.06704/kwh |
Minimum Charge
The minimum monthly charge shall be the higher of the following:
- The cost for service as calculated by the rates specified.
- $1.00 per KVA installed transformer capacity over 10 KVA for overhead and over 15 KVA for underground, plus the base rate.
SREC offers a 3 cent per kWh discount for residential consumers who have electric heat as their primary heat source. Click here for more information.
Effective January 1, 2025
Type of Service
Single phase, 60 cycles, at available secondary voltage.
To all members requiring single phase service for seasonal homes (not primary residences) or miscellaneous small farm and ranch services (including, but not limited to, stock wells, grain bins, outbuildings), served at less than 50 KVA capacity, subject to the rules and regulations of the cooperative. The total capacity of any single phase motor under this schedule shall not exceed 10 HP without written permission of the cooperative. Members requiring single phase service with capacities exceeding 50 KVA shall be served under the GS Rate Schedule.
Billing Options
Annual Billing
With annual billing, the member is charged the base rate in advance in May. The usage is billed the following May. Members opting for annual billing will receive one disconnect and one reconnect per year at no charge.
- Base Rate - $408.00/year
- Demand Charge - $7.00/kw
- Energy Charge - $0.09095/kwh
Monthly Billing
Members have the option of paying the base rate and usage on a monthly basis. Members opting for monthly billing will pay the normal disconnect and reconnect fees.
- Base Rate - $34.00/month
- Demand Charge - $7.00/kw
- Energy Charge - $0.09095/kwh
Minimum Charge
The minimum annual charge shall be the higher of the following:
- The cost for service as calculated by the rates specified.
- $1.00 per KVA per month of installed transformer capacity over 10 KVA for overhead and over 15 KVA for underground, plus the base rate.
Effective January 1, 2025
Type of Service
Three phase, 60 cycle at cooperative's available secondary voltage; or single phase, when three phase is not readily available and less than 50 KVA of installed transformer capacity is required, subject to the rules and regulations of the cooperative.
To all members requiring three phase service or single phase non-residential service of less than 50 KVA of installed transformer capacity. Motors in excess of 10 HP must be three phase, unless approved by the cooperative.
At the cooperative’s discretion, a member with non-typical patterns of usage may be more appropriately placed on the GS-2 tariff.
Monthly Rates
Base Rate |
$38.00 |
Demand Charge |
$5.25/kw |
Energy Charge |
$0.08000/kwh |
Minimum Monthly Charge
The minimum monthly charge shall be the higher of the following:
- The cost for service as calculated by the rates specified.
- $1.00 per KVA installed transformer capacity over 20 KVA, plus the base charge.
Power Factor Adjustment
The consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. At the option of the cooperative the power factor and KW demand of the consumer shall be measured and the monthly bills adjusted. Such adjustment shall be made by increasing the bills by 1% of each 1% by which the average power factor is less than 95% lagging. At the request of the cooperative the consumer agrees to apply corrective measures to his load to bring the average power factor to 95% lagging, or higher.
Effective January 1, 2025
Type of Service
Three phase, 60 cycle at cooperative’s available secondary voltage, or single phase when three phase is not readily available, and 50 KVA or more of installed transformer capacity is required, subject to the rules and regulations of the cooperative.
To all members requiring three phase service or single phase service of at least 50 KVA of installed transformer capacity, and with historical demand of at least 30 KW for at least three months of the previous 12-month period. Motors in excess of 10 HP must be three phase, unless approved by the cooperative.
Monthly Rates
Base Rate |
$38.00 |
Demand Charge |
$9.50/kw |
Energy Charge |
$.07000/kwh |
Minimum Monthly Charge
The minimum monthly charge shall be the higher of the following:
- The cost for service as calculated by the rates specified.
- $1.00 per KVA installed transformer capacity over 20 KVA, plus the base charge.
Power Factor Adjustment
The consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. At the option of the cooperative the power factor and KW demand of the consumer shall be measured and the monthly bills adjusted. Such adjustment shall be made by increasing the bills by 1% of each 1% by which the average power factor is less than 95% lagging. At the request of the cooperative the consumer agrees to apply corrective measures to his load to bring the average power factor to 95% lagging, or higher.
Effective January 1, 2025
Type of Service
Three phase, 60 cycle at the cooperative's available transmission voltage, which for the purpose of this tariff is defined at 60 kv or greater.
The consumer must take service directly from the cooperative's transmission line, and provide their own substation. Metering, protective relaying, and a means of disconnecting from the cooperative system shall be provided by the consumer, subject to the cooperative's review and approval.
To all members requiring three-phase service with a minimum load of 1000 kw.
Monthly Rates
Base Rate |
$1,000/month |
Demand Charge |
$10.90/kw |
Energy Charge |
$0.05150/kwh |
Minimum Monthly Charge
The minimum monthly charge is the higher of the following:
- The cost for service as calculated by the monthly rates specified above, or
- The base rate, the energy used, compensation and power factor adjustments, plus a demand charge, or ratchet, equal to 25% of the peak demand for the prior 12 months. For the first 12 months of service the ratchet will be waived to allow for plant startup and establishment of an annual history.
Metering Compensation
Metering is permitted on the low side of the consumer’s transformer, but the billing will be increased in proportion with transformer losses. The billing will be increased by the percent specified by the manufacturer’s transformer specifications, or by 2% if acceptable data is unavailable.
Power Factor Adjustment
The consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. At the option of the cooperative, the power factor will be measured and the monthly bill adjusted by increasing the demand and energy charges by 1% for each 1% the power factor is less than 95% lagging or leading. The consumer agrees to apply corrective measures to his load to bring the power factor to 95% or higher, if requested by the cooperative.
Effective for January 1, 2025
Type of Service
Single phase or three phase, 60 cycles, at available secondary voltage.
Available to all members, upon application, where the cooperative's line facilities are adequate, or can feasibly be made adequate, for irrigation pumping.
Three Phase | Single Phase | |
Base Rate Demand Charge Energy Charge |
$26.00/month $8.50/kw $0.08560/kwh |
$22.00/month $8.50/kw $0.08560/kwh |
Method of Payment
Readings will be received electronically on the 1st day of each month with statements generated and mailed on or around the 10th day of each month. Payments will be due upon receipt of statement and past due after the last day of that month.
Power Factor Adjustment
The consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. At the option of the cooperative the power factor and KW demand of the consumer shall be measured and the monthly bills adjusted. Such adjustment shall be made by increasing the bills by 1% of each 1% by which the average power factor is less than 95% lagging. At the request of the cooperative the consumer agrees to apply corrective measures to his load to bring the average power factor to 95% lagging, or higher.
Effective January 1, 2025
Available For:
Electric service to Minuteman Launch Control Facilities and Launch Facilities, in accordance with the terms and conditions of Contract No. F24604-69-D0009.
Demand Charge |
$16.35/kw |
Energy Charge |
$0.06260/kwh |
Monthly Minimum |
$2.00 per installed KVA |
Billing Procedure:
All demand and energy readings will be made at each point of delivery. The billing will be computed by adding the demand and energy readings of all points of delivery and applying the above rate to the total of demand and of energy.
Effective January 1, 2025
Type of Service
Single phase at available voltage.
Available for automatic dusk-to-dawn lighting when cooperative furnishes all material, maintenance and electric energy.
Monthly Rate
Existing |
Additional |
70W LED Yard Light 160W LED Yard Light |
$10.00 $14.00 |
$13.00 $17.00 |
Where more than one additional pole must be set at a distance not to exceed 150 feet from the meter pole or transformer pole an additional charge of $3.00 per month per pole will be made and the consumer will pay any additional construction costs.
Consumers may not install anything on a rental light pole.
Effective January 1, 2025
Type of Service
For the purpose of cooperative business, an idle service shall be defined as any service line which has been disconnected, with the intent that the service will remain disconnected for at least one (1) year. The member may request that the service remain in place and de-energized for future use.
Monthly Rate
Base Rate: $10.00
Line Removal:
If a member does not wish to pay the idle service charge, the cooperative reserves the right to remove the service at the cooperative’s convenience.
Effective January 1, 2025
The Universal Systems Benefit Program (USBP) is mandated by the State of Montana and requires that funds be allocated to certain approved social programs, including low-income and conservation programs. A USBP surcharge will be assessed on all monthly bills for all appropriate member classes. The USBP surcharge will be a line item on each monthly bill and will increase the entire billed amount.
Monthly Rate
1.10% on all electric revenues billed
USBP Adjustments
The formula for funding USBP is set by Montana law and is set at 2.4% of 1995 electric revenues. While the annual amount is constant, the surcharge will vary as revenues vary. Therefore, the USBP surcharge will be reviewed every year and recalculated as necessary to accommodate changes in projected revenues.
- NSF Check Fee - $20.00
- Late Fee - $10.00
- Delinquent Fee - $5.00
- Non-Pay Disconnect Fee - $25.00
- Non-Pay Reconnect Fee (After Hours) - $50.00
- Non-Pay Reconnect Fee (Pre-pay accounts) - $10.00
If Extension Agreements are not honored which result in a non-pay disconnect, actual time and mileage will be charged.
- Residential Deposit Fee (or 1/ 6 of the average annual billing – whichever is higher) - $270.00
- Business Deposit Fee (or 1 /4 of the average annual billing – whichever is higher) - $600.00